Cheap eats

Moms, married women are always asking about cheap eats.

Here you go.

Lentil Tacos (delicious!)
Lentil Soup
Enchiladas, pork, pinto/refried beans, black beans, ground beef, lentil, or if you want to get fancy chicken.
Stir Frys, including Pad Thai
Burritos (have made all kinds, many times.
Baked Ziti
Ratatouille (sp) isn't all that expensive to make and is healthy and tasty.

There is a "trick" to this. If you think of any "3rd world country" and look at what the mainly eat, it is probably going to be cheap. Granted, any of these dishes can be fancied up; meaning become exspensive. I am betting this is what the majority of Ameirca eats .. you know even though they aren't a third world country.

My family's main dinner (read ever week) is pinto beans, fried taters, and collard greens. By family, I mean the one I originated from not the one I have made.


mrs.stark said...

Oh, thank you so much for posting this. You know I'm always trying to think of things to make for dinner. I've tried making lentil soup once and seriously fucked it up, but I just had it last week at an Indian restaurant and I need to try making it again, because it was so delicious.

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