Fertilizers and Location

In case no one knows I am all about Homesteading, Food Not Lawns, nutrition, health (I know ...), etc, etc.

I read a lot! Mainly about the history of foods, origins, gardening ...

Fertilizer. From what I am able to comprehend the reason the food we grow, here in America at least, needs fertilizer is for one it's more than likely imported and number two it's not wild. Just about any natural, non-Miracle Gro, fertilizer you find out about is probably either a rock; pure mineral or animal; either the complete decomposed body (fish) or their feces. Many times when you see the words "Organic Matter" when reading about soil amendments it tends to be tailored to the author's area. For instance some will say seaweed, that's a good idea but I live in the Midwest and I think there are others that live in the Midwest for us obtaining seaweed is a bit difficult.

I am finding it hard to make everything and not purchase outside materials.


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