All publications are available online at Iowa State Extension .
To order publications, contact the ISU Extension Distribution Center:
119 Printing and Publications Building
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-3171
Telephone: (515) 294-5247
Fax: (515) 294-2945
Contact the Distribution Center by E-mail at Please include publication title and ID number in your message. A downloadable order form that you can print also is available. It is in .pdf format. After printing it, you can fill it out and mail it or fax it to the address above. Minimal fees are charged for multiple copies of publications and for single copies of publications of more than four pages. Shipping and handling charges may also be charged but are usually minimal as well.
ID Number Publication Title
IAN 303 Iowa's Plants Series - Benefits and Dangers of Iowa Plants [September 1994]
IAN 305 Iowa's Plants Series - Seeds, Nuts, and Fruits of Iowa Plants [September 1994]
IAN 306 Iowa's Plants Series - Mushrooms and Non-flowering Plants [September 1994]
PD 31 Plant Disease Identification Form [Revised February2002]
PM 666 Weed Management in the Home Garden [September1996]
PM 683 Composting Yard Waste [March 1993]
PM 874 Starting garden transplants at home [Revised June 2003 ]
PM 1204 Morels, false morels, and other cup fungi ordering information [Revised March 1996] $3
PM 1357 Guide to plant societies and associations [Revised January 2002]
PM 1644 Hardy Perennials: Ferns ordering information [November 2002]
PM 1692 Community Supported Agriculture: Local Food Systems for Iowa [December 1996]
PM 1693 Community Supported Agriculture: Iowa CSA Farms and Organizers [Revised July 2003]
PM 1777 Master Gardener brochure [December 1999]
RG 104 Horticulture Publications [January 2002 ]
RG 105 Garden Tips: Guidelines to Seasonal Chores [July 2002 ]
RG 201 Integrated Pest Management for Vegetable Gardens [April 1999]
RG 202 Understand Pesticide Labeling [September 1995]
RG 204 Apply Pesticides Safely [September 1995]
RG 205 Store Pesticides Safely [September 1995]
RG 206 Questions About Composting [Reprinted March 1997]
RG 207 Nonchemical Pest Control for the Home Lawn and Garden [September 1996]
RG 208 Botanical Insecticides in the Home Garden [September 1996]
RG 209 Organic Mulches for Gardens and Landscape Plantings [June 1997]
RG 212 Pollinators in the Garden [November 2002 ]
RG 401 Ornamental Grasses for Winter Interest [Electronic version July 2000]
RG 601 Gardening for Butterflies [Revised March 2002]
RG 603 Iowa Butterfly and Caterpillar Food Preferences [Revised July 2003 ]
RG 604 Water Gardens: Aquatic Plants [April 2003 ]
RG 703 Lichens [September 2002]
RG 902 Plant Zoo [May 2002]
ST 11 Soil sample information sheet for horticulture crops [Revised September 2002]
SUL 12 Using Mulches in Managed Landscapes [August 2001]
IAN 301 Iowa's Plants Series - Iowa's Spring Wildflowers [September 1994]
IAN 302 Iowa's Plants Series - Iowa's Summer and Fall Wildflowers [September 1994]
PM 1319 Forcing Flower Bulbs [December 1999]
PM 1925 Growing Dahlias ordering information [July 2003 ]
RG 301 Growing Annual Flowers in Containers [Revised March 2001]
RG 302 Edible Flowers [Revised September 2000]
RG 303 Daylilies [Revised April 2003]
RG 304 Late Season Perennial Flowers [Reprinted July 2002]
RG 305 Growing Chrysanthemums in the Garden [Revised September 2001]
RG 306 Delphiniums [June 1997 ]
RG 307 Clematis [Revised July 2001]
RG 309 The Griffith Buck Roses [Revised July 2002]
RG 310 Caring For Roses in Iowa [Electronic version July 2000]
RG 311 Growing and Overwintering Tender Perennials [November 2001 ]
RG 312 Suggested Daffodil Cultivars for Iowa [April 1997]
RG 313 Growing Garden Lilies [May 2002]
RG 314 Growing Petunias [January 2003]
RG 315 Dahlias [Revised June 2003]
RG 316 Poinsettia Care [Revised December 2002]
RG 317 Annual Vines [February 2002]
RG 318 Early Spring Blooming Perennials [December 2001]
RG 319 When To Divide Perennials [November 2001]
RG 320 Growing and Overwintering Garden Geraniums [November 2001 ]
RG 321 Miniature Roses [April 2003 ]
RG 323 Cannas for Home Landscapes [May 2002]
RG 601 Gardening for Butterflies [July 1999]
RG 602 Perennials For Shady Areas [Revised September 2000]
SUL 8 Crown Rot - Hosta [February 2000]
PM 719 Rhubarb in the Home Garden [Revised June 1998]
PM 1282 2003 Commercial Tree Fruit Guide [January 2003]
PM 1887 Selling Fruits and Vegetables [April 2002]
PM 1892 Melons [June 2003]
RG 501 Pruning Raspberries [September 1995 ]
RG 502 Pruning Grapevines [May 1997] 98K RG 503 Growing Blueberries in Iowa [April 2003 ]
PM268 How to Air Layer a Houseplant [Revised May 2001]
RG-308 Growing Holiday Cacti [October 1996]
RG 316 Poinsettia Care [March 2001]
Lawn, Shrubs, Trees
IAN 304 Iowa's Plants Series - Iowa's Trees [September 1994]
IAN 307 Iowa's Plants Series - Iowa's Shrubs and Vines [September 1994]
PM 1063 Turfgrass Management Calendar: Kentucky Bluegrass Lawns [September 1996]
PM 1304 Pruning shade and flowering trees [Reprinted September 1993]
PM 1383 Identification of Conifer Trees in Iowa [Revised May 1996]
PM 1384 Identification of Hardwood Trees in Iowa [Revised May 1996]
PM 1429a Community Trees: Establishing a Community Tree Program [Revised February 1999]
PM 1429b Community Trees: Tree Ordinances for Iowa Communities [December 1999 ]
PM 1429c Community Trees: Sample Tree Ordinances for Iowa Communities [Revised January 1998]
PM 1429d Community Trees: Low-growing Trees for Urban and Rural Iowa [Revised October 1996]
PM 1429e Community Trees: Street Trees for Iowa [Revised October 1998]
PM 1429f Community Trees: Power Lines and Trees [April 1997]
PM 1591 Community Tree Planting and Care Guide [October 1998] $1
PM 1676 Tree Planting: Planning [August 1996 ]
PM 1677 Tree Planting: Establishment and Care [August 1997]
PM 1680 Nonchemical Alternatives for the Home Lawn [September 1996]
PM 1749 Tips for Athletic Field Management on a Limited Budget [April 1998]
PM 1755 Understanding Thatch in the Home Lawn [April 1998]
PM 1756 Thatch Control in the Home Lawn
PM 1812 The Forest Where Ashley Lives [February 2001]
RG 701 Iowa's Oaks [April 2000]
RG 704 Growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas in Iowa [May 2003]
SUL 1 Understanding the Effects of Flooding on Trees [June 1994]
SUL 6 Managing Storm-Damaged Trees [January 1999 ]
SUL 9 Pine Wilt [February 2000]
WL-47 Rabbit Damage to Tree Plantings [Reprinted September 1994]
Vegetables and Herbs
PM 534 Planting and Harvesting Times for Garden Vegetables [Revised August 1999]
PM 607 Suggested Vegetable Varieties For the Home Garden [Revised May 2002]
PM 608 Tomatoes [Revised May 2002]
PM 731 Harvesting and Storing Vegetables [Revised December 2002]
PM 814 Where to Put Your Vegetable Garden [Revised July 1999]
PM 819 Planting a Home Vegetable Garden [January 1996]
PM 870A Small Plot Vegetable Gardening [Revised September 2001]
PM 870B Container Vegetable Gardening [Revised July 2000]
PM 994 Asparagus in the Home Garden [Revised November 2000]
PM 1049 Cucurbit Diseases-An Aid to Identification and Control [November 1993]
PM 1887 Selling Fruits and Vegetables [April 2002]
PM 1888 Peppers [September 2002]
PM 1889 Onions [August 2002]
PM 1890 Potatoes [December 2002]
PM 1891 Sweet Corn [November 2002]
PM 1892 Melons [June 2003]
PM 1893 Cilantro (English & Spanish) [April 2003]
PM 1894 Garlic [February 2003]
PM 1895 Tomatillos [April 2003]
PM 1896 Cole crops [June 2003]
RG-201 Integrated Pest Management for Vegetable Gardens [April 1999]
RG 801 Growing & Using Basil [Revised July 2003]
To order publications, contact the ISU Extension Distribution Center:
119 Printing and Publications Building
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-3171
Telephone: (515) 294-5247
Fax: (515) 294-2945
Contact the Distribution Center by E-mail at . Please include publication title and ID number in your message. A downloadable order form that you can print also is available. It is in .pdf format. After printing it, you can fill it out and mail it or fax it to the address above.
All materials are available online at
From Des Moines Community Garden Resources
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