From Grrlscount224's Garden Set See those ingenious Red Plastic Cups? Me thinks she's a pretty cool chick.
Clear Plastic, Insect Fabric, Black Plastic, Clear Plastic, I also purchased some Red Plastic (not photographed here). I am hoping those things will make my Organic Gardening process/method more successful. I Hope I can grow vegetables while Solarizing the dirt. The Red Plastic cups, I hope to poke holes/cut slits in the bottom and use them to grow transplants then turn them over cut the bottom out bury the mouth in the dirt around the transplant. This will hopefully help with slugs and cut worms. I don't plan on growing an enormous amount of Brassicas but maybe two or three Brussel Sprout plants and some Collards. I keep seeing people use what I believe is a roofing shingle around the base of the plants to product against Cabbage Root Maggot. Might try that.
All the "chemicals" I foolishly bought last garden season. The only non-organic thing in there I think is a spray I bought at KMart for the Roses that were suffering from Rose Slugs ?
A can of tarps, these will might come in handy in the garden.
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