Pretty, right? Yum.
Oh wow! I can grow something that pretty?
Oh my! How did that happen? That's not what I wanted and it doesn't look like the photo! That isn't so pretty!
This is something I call Play dough Syndrome. Do you remember being little and getting so excited by play dough because the photo on the box made you think "Wow! This box holds everything I need to be able to make that?!"
This is why purchasing and researching Disease Resistant plants is important. Esp. for the "first time gardener." In some ways it is good to not buy Disease Resistant varieties/cultivars because you will learn about all the bugs and diseases out there, how they behave, what they look like, what chemicals or natural remedies do or don't work for you.
I am focusing on Disease Resistant right now while trying to plan my gardens. I am terrified of Squash Borers (didn't have any last year :S ) and I despise Cucumber Beetles even though they are "pretty."
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