Heels vs. Plantar Fasciitis

On my vacation to Florida I developed Plantar Fasciitis or at least that is what I was diagnosed as having. I was prescribed and anti inflammatory and Loratab. Now, oddly enough they say people have the most pain in their heel and that men around the age of forty contract this condition. My dad was researching and researching things that could be wrong and how to help before I went to the doctor. One suggestion was to wear heels ... what? Wear heels for a foot problem? I don't normally wear heels although I own several. None of these heels I own were fortunate enough to travel with me so I wanted to find some at a good price. So I went out and bought some Wedges for $10 bucks, good deal. These actually did help! Could a forty year old male wear heels to alleviate the pain? I doubt it, at least not in public.

My friend FLWasteland recently sent me an article from MSNBC titled Do High Heels Empower or Oppress.

"Lea Goldman, features editor for Marie Claire magazine, told TODAY she’s utterly convinced that high heels can empower women at work. She said they help women look and feel confident and self-assured, and they also help them stand out from the pack."

This article got me to thinking, sex okay? Well, men have to look sharp in the business world. Now, what is considered looking sharp for a male? Tie? Pressed Shirt and Slacks? Polished Shoes? A Suit? Yes, yes, and yes. Are these things sexy? Well, I sure as hell think so. I have always loved a man in a suit. Not uniform, suit. :) So obviously there is sex appeal even for men in the business world. Being sexy, feeling sexy does boost a person confidence be it male or feel male. I don't think there is anything wrong with a woman feeling sexy, but it is important as to how she accomplishes this. The problem is, I feel, that others have a problem with a female expressing her sexuality? I love passion. A lot. In a Puritan nation Dancing has often been snubbed, this is something I am curious about concerning Muslims and Belly Dancing. But dancing is a form of sexuality, no? Sexuality and especially expressing it is empowerment, maybe that's why they don't want us to express it, we might become arrogant? I don't know but I love dancing and bright colors, red, purple, gold, etc. Yeap yeap.

What do you guys think about expressing sexuality? Now I want to go on a heel buying spree, despite the feeling that they may make me feel vulnerable in that I can't run from an aggressor. But I don't think Birkenstocks make running any easier either. I don't think heels or eyeliner for that matter are the sole possession of females either. :P


Anonymous said...

At about the exact time I turned 40 both my feet started hurting bad. Never got that checked out. It took about a year of stretching and rolling my feet on a PVC tube for the pain to go away. It was bad real sharp and would not go away, even with Loratabs. I was afraid as I stand for a living and hope it never comes back.

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