Oh Anthony. Yum.

I have a HUGE crush on Anthony Bourdain. It is so strange. What's even weirder is he reminds me of my husband! Ha. The one "thing" I can have that isn't real and I pick someone who looks and behaves/thinks/jokes like my husband. So weird. Sometimes he can be annoying though. It seems like he tries so hard to keep up this "image" he has for himself. Yesterday they aired the Saudi Arabian episode which was cool cause 1. Anthony was wearing a sports coat, yum. 2. You got to see his professional behaviour. Dude's a hard ass.


Anonymous said...

He is too concerned with his image and that plays off as pompous, at least that's what I think. Can't really watch him for more than a moment.

mrs.stark said...

I love him too. So sexy. He's in that mysterious guy category I have which feature Neil Gaiman and John Cusack. My dad hates him.

Donna said...

FLWasteland, I can see that. He tries too hard?

SCD, I Know! I wonder if it was a chick and she acted that way if the guys would be hatin' then.

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