Online Reviews

My Dad is Mister Cheapsake, and proud of it. He asked me one day about leaving reviews, something he takes very seriously. He said "Do you only leave bad reviews? Like, if you are dissatisfies with a product or service?" And I think I said "Yes, Mostly"

First of all, I hate the whole review thing. Esp when it's forced on your to do so. Ever shop from Etsy?

But now I am seeing and understanding the importance of leaving reviews more and more. If I buy something and I am happy with it, I have become to feel more compelled to tell other people I am happy with a product or service. Not just if I am unhappy with a product or service. But with leaving reviews, if you as the buyer also receive reviews (such as Etsy or Ebay) what is your responsibility as the buyer? I think it is to pay for the order. If you pay for the order shouldn't you receive a positive review? I understand that there can be a retort if you complain about something but essentially as a buyer if you pay promptly your portion of the deal is complete, correct?

I ask this because I get really annoyed when a seller doesn't leave a review for me until I have left them a review.

And something else that bothers me and I find amusing is, it's always a LOT easier to fork over money for something than it is to return it!


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