Okay, first. I am not an anthropologist. I am married to an immigrant. Wtf?

Walmart. Seriously. I have 2 shirts to return there and I hope to never ever ever shop there again. I have a lot more to say that I think about this but whatever, no one ever wants to talk about it and then if you do talk about it and don't say "wow, I just love everyone and think everyone is right." someone comes out of basically no where and yells at you, tells you how stupid you are etc.

But what makes someone this or that? That they know the culture? Most people who state they are this or that can't even speak the language let alone cook the food. Instead of I am blah - american or that I am a blah how about the word ancestor? My ancestors were this or my ancestors were that? Isn't thinking that you are this or that in and of its self racist?

I'm tired of hyphens. I am tired of people being rude to me just because I am white and speak english. And you know what? I shop at "ethnic stores" and those people are ALWAYS soooo polite, humble, considerate, etc. What the hell is it about Wal Mart? I have always hated thinking I am "better" than other people. I just hate that. But between the hispanics, muslims, indians, white folks who eat a pack of meat patties and ride shippong carts. I can't take it. It isn't that I want to be around white people. I have generally strongly disliked white people and thought they were boring. But this is getting highly ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

Yeah unless I go shopping after midnight I will not go to Wal-Mart. Guess what Food World went bankrupt well Bruno's Supermarkets LLC to be exact. Southern Family bought up some of the stores including Ft Walton. They were closed for a few days. They reopened today.

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